What Do You Need To Do To Lose Weight?

By Howe Russ

More and more people are getting lost with how to lose weight so in today's article we will cover three basic, simple rules to success with your diet plan. Despite the advances we have made in science, this remains one of the main areas which people experience difficulty with.

There is so much information out there that it has become almost too easy to get misled. People are afraid to commit to one goal because they are constantly being promised easier results elsewhere.

Many of the so-called 'miracle diet plans' revolve around very old principles, so before you spend your hard earned money on one of these it would pay dividends to learn the rules for yourself.

We don't have any products to ask you to buy, so what you are going to see in today's post are proven, easy to follow rules which have been validated by years of scientific studies.

Here are the three fundamental rules to a good diet.

* It's not really about how much you eat, it's about what you eat.

* Exercise is your diet's best friend.

* Half of the battle against the bulge is just learning how to avoid temptation.

Most people have no idea how much to eat. In order to consume the right amount of calories per day simply take your goal body weight in pounds and multiply by twelve.

Most people who struggle to get rid of their belly are shocked to discover that they are actually under-eating. Like we said, it's not about how much you eat it's about where you get it from.

The most important factor in your diet is learning how to get the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats each day. If you can do this, you are on the right track to success. A great way to achieve this is to try to have 40% of your total calories from protein, 40% from carbohydrates and 20% from fat.

When it comes to exercise you will be pleased to hear that the gym has evolved since the days of prescribing massive cardiovascular exercise sessions on the treadmill. Science now knows that shorter, high intensity exercise sessions will help you to burn more calories and will take less time to complete.

Furthermore, do not be afraid to use weights. This one applies mainly to women, many of whom still subscribe to the old myth that weights will only make you muscular. Think about that for a moment. If it were really true, then every man you saw at the gym would look like Sylvester Stallone! Weights will help you to burn even more calories as well as tone your muscles.

The biggest test you will face is when you are in a situation with no meals prepared and a stressful day ahead. Yes, we're talking about work. It's no wonder so many people succumb to the temptation of the sweet shop while at their job. Protein is by far the superior nutrient when it comes to snacking.

Feel free to make up a few protein rich snacks for your day of work. This will help you to stay away from the vending machine and continue getting results even when you're not in the gym.

As you can see, the confusion surrounding how to lose weight easily clears when you look at the proven principles. Most of the fitness industry suffers from this issue, ask anybody how to build muscle at your local gym and you'll get similarly mixed answers. Now that you know these three principles you are well on your way to success.

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