Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe?

By Michelle Caron

Many chiropractors specialize in nutrition, and specifically what is good for you body, but also what foods you should avoid. Doctors of chiropractic have recently called for the labeling of GMO's or Genetially Modified Organisms in our food supply. This would allow people to make good choices on what they are putting in their body, and also allow them to make a choice to not consume a potentially harmful source of food.

GMO's are defined as organisms whose genetic characteristics have been altered by the insertion of a modified gene or a gene from another organism, by the technique of genetic engineering. This somewhat new science allows DNA from one species to be injected into another species in a lab, creating combinations of plant, animal, bacteria, and viral genes that do not occur naturally or through traditional crossbreeding methods. Now this variety might sound like a good thing, but most experts agree that consuming genetically modified foods may be cause for concern.

Americans are crying out to get their foods labeled, specifically to identify whether or not they contain genetically modified ingredients. There are campaigns on Facebook and other social media sites on the internet where people can sign a petition asking for labeling of GMO's. Polls show that many people would not purchase genetically modified foods, and therefore would like them labeled. Prepackaged foods in our country are estimated to contain GMO's 80% of the time, even though Americans have declared they want GMO's labeled and/or eliminated.

Many countries have banned or restricted the use of GMO's because they are not proven safe. The U.S. FDA approved the use of GMO's based on research from companies that produce or use GMO's. The main way companies accomplish this is through lobbying and campaign contributions that convince legislators to pass laws in their favor. This is why many states and organizations have started GMO labeling campaigns. Most people believe it should be up to an individual whether or not to ingest, or even feed their families genetically modified foods, especially until they are proven safe. Without the labeling, many consumers are not even aware of this potential food danger.

There are ten GMO foods believed to be the most potentially harmful, and therefore many experts recommend avoiding them. The foods to consider avoiding are: soy, aspartame, canola, dairy, corn, sugar, papayas, cotton, zucchini and yellow squash. Consumption of the previous foods may hold certain health risks. It may be difficult to avoid these foods entirely in the big chain gorcery stores. Finding alternate places such as CSA's (Community Supported Agriculture) and farmer's markets make it easier to locate and purchase non-GMO foods. USDA-organic is a label you can trust to be non-GMO.

Local chiropractors are an excellent source on nutrition, and more specifically on which foods are available to purchase non-GMO in your area. Many chiropractors have vitamins, minerals and other non-GMO nutritional suppelements available for purchase. Chiropractic clinics also may offer nutritional counseling as one of their primary services. Nutrition is one of the key components to looking and feeling your best, and chiropractors are an excellent resource in helping you make healthy food choices for you and your family.

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