How To Reverse Insulin Resistance

By Eliza Mendoza

The need to reverse insulin resistance as a medical syndrome, has never reached such heights as it does today. This is because a great number of people who are diabetic are already showing symptoms of this phenomenon. This is a disturbing trend because this syndrome is usually a precursor of type II diabetes and related diseases. Therefore, ways of reversing it have a potentially great preventive value.

The hormone has everything to do with this phenomenon. Its production is in an intestinal organ called the pancreas and its main purpose is to check the level of blood sugars. This hormone achieves this by chemically enabling body cells to attach glucose on their surfaces. By doing this, the amount of sugars within the blood stream reduces and on the other hand, the cells synthesize energy from the glucose particles. Cells develop this problem when they fail to infuse glucose into their systems.

Several ways exist when it comes to undoing this medical issue and its effects. The first one is an individual should get fully fit by doing adequate physical activities. In doing so, the individual shreds fatty tissue and thereby burning extra sugar forms in the body. When the blood sugars reduce the hormone levels also subsidizes making cells tolerable to them.

Following this, individuals should watch the type of diet they take as it also carries great weight in fighting the issue. Foods that are highly processed and those that have many sugars are to be blacklisted in their menu. Instead, a diet that contains the right assortment of nutrients responsible for several functionality in the body's metabolism should be encouraged.

One should also take appropriate nutritional supplements. These supplements have various remarkable abilities that lower the hormone levels and blood sugars. For example, the Gymnema herb has the ability to aid in the regeneration of cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin. Another example is cinnamon, which has the double advantage of significantly increasing the metabolism of glucose and aiding people in losing weight.

A high correlation exists between stress levels and insulin resistance. It is therefore ideal to regularly manage stressful situation in order to rein in its effects. These effects can be very debilitating because they routinely disrupt various body metabolisms. Mostly, stress leads to rapid and irregular increases in blood sugars thereby sending different wrong messages to the pancreas cells. This can permanently damage the pancreas.

As a last measure, individuals should use medications prescribed by their doctors. There are mainly two categories of drugs, which work in different ways. The first helps in lowering blood sugars by making cells more responsive to this hormone. The second reduces absorption of sugar in the intestine thereby reducing its absorption after meals. Rightfully so, new drugs enter the market every day.

Medical researchers are of the opinion that deeper scrutiny of the activities of this hormone need to be undertaken. Furthermore, new studies show that insulin is one of the most vital chemical within the human body. That said, health complications related to insulin functionality demands closer inspection especially those that mandates the need to reverse insulin resistance in the human body.

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