Drinking Water Testing Is Essential

By Minnie Whitley

The quality of water sources has continuously decreased over the last few years due to urbanization and industrialization. As a result drinking water testing should never be ignored. There are a lot of factors that affect the quality of H2O as it is transported from the sources. Some of them are ageing systems of supply, direct contamination at the source and nature of plumbing in our homes.

We can never rely on observation to determine if H2O is safe for drinking. Factors that one should check to determine the quality are not always visible. Again some of the effects of taking contaminated H2O are obvious while others are not. Due to this factor a source may not be conducive but people continue using it because the consequences are not instant. Professionals in water quality need to be careful on public supplies to avoid pandemics triggered by taking contaminated H2O.

Some people argue that they can tell if H2O in their houses is safe for drinking or not. The truth is that it is not easy. Such efforts only rely on your senses to alert you. Senses can only alert someone on a few things such as when it is unappetizing due to a contaminant like sulfur or too much chlorine which lead to a rotten smell.

Taking contaminated H2O can lead to adverse health effects. The effects can range from mild to severe ones like stomach ache, typhoid, cramps and diarrhea. The intensity of the impact on health is determined by amount of impurity present in the H2O, the period of time it has been present and amount of the contaminated water one takes.

Testing is extremely vital especially in a household using well, springs and cisterns. There are several reasons why such households and others using private H2O should always carry out a test. Most importantly there is no government program or agency that is charged with the responsibility. Due to this H2O analyses is solely the duty of the parties concerned. Unlike public supplies that are analyzed by the government time to time private supplies are not.

It should be noted that most of the public supplies have never been tested. It is critical that people be exposed to the importance of water testing and the risk of not doing so. Most of the countries have made the service convenient and economical for its citizens. Over the recent years laboratory H2O analysis institutions have been throughout the countries bringing the service closer to people.

Mere observation is not enough; carrying out a test is the only way to be certain about the safety of drinking water. This is because some of the pollutants are not visible and some of the health effects caused by contaminated H2O may not be instant. Some these effects are only noticeable after a long period of time.

Public awareness should be encouraged so that people understand for importance of testing water before they can use it for drinking. It is advisable that whenever people notice a change in the color, taste or smell of a H2O supply they keep of the site unless proved otherwise through a test.

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