What Distance Healing Is About

By Lila Barry

There are different ways that healing can be done. This would include surgical intervention, alternative medicine, the use of drugs, and therapy. Another way that this can be done is through distance healing. It is a way of making another person feel better by sending him your life energy. Your energy can be sent to one or more individuals regardless of how far they are from you.

This method is something that a person can do to help anyone that he knows is in trouble whether physically, emotionally, or mentally. The good thing about this is that this can be done to anyone whether you know them or not. It does not matter how far they are just as long as they are in your thoughts. It is especially helpful among victims of natural calamities, accidents, or crime.

Also knows as spiritual healing or energy medicine, this special technique can easily be done. One does not need to get himself a degree or special education to have this kind of ability. You do not have to worry about the equipment either. It is a technique that is easy to do and would not cost you anything.

To do this, anyone that is interested in performing the technique has to find a good place to do this first. An ideal place is one that is quiet and somewhere you will have no problem concentrating. A good place would be your bedroom, a garden, the quiet part of a park, and anywhere as long as there are not distractions.

After finding a suitable place, one can settle down and start meditating. While meditating, visualize the energy inside your body and try concentrating or channeling it to a certain part of your body. Your energy can look like a white aura. This energy contains your good thoughts, love, and spiritual energy.

One of the things that you need to have to make distance healing effective is faith. Your energy would not be enough to help the one you are sending it. It should be coupled with your prayers. A belief in a force that is far greater than yours can do wonders. It does not matter what ones religion is.

Energy is most of the times being channeled towards a person's hands similar to what happens when one practices reiki. Aside from the hands, it is also possible for you to use surrogate objects. These surrogate objects can be anything that you own like your cup, blanket, pillow, paper, and other kinds of things.

This method can also make use of various techniques. There are now many methods developed that this unique energy transfer can be done. If you want, you can combine different techniques to have a greater effect. Anything is possible provided that your love and faith is present.

Distance healing is something that a lot of people are still in doubt of. However, it is worth a try since you only have to be sincere about the intentions in your heart. It is not harmful and will not risk anyone to suffer from any kind of side effect.

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