Benefits Of Mobile Drug Testing More Firms Are Utilizing

By Lana Bray

Statistics indicate more individuals are using drugs. This is a very alarming statistic and when this issue is not dealt with immediately more people will probably abuse more drugs later on. Firms do not want to hire those who have different drug problems hence they undertake tests for a number of drugs to make sure that their employees are not using any drugs. Formerly people used the clinics centers where they would have the tests done. However, with development of mobile drug testing, firms prefer to use this method of carrying out tests.

These companies have made it very easy to test different people for use of different drugs instantly. The introduction of such a program has made things much easier for employers. This is because with traditional tests, one had to go to the clinic to be tested. With the introduction of these programs, employers have benefited greatly.

When employees had to go to the clinic to be tested, one could spend very many hours. This could be attributed to traffic and queues once they arrived at the clinic. However, with the introduction of this program, there is no need to take a trip to a clinic for the test. These individuals can come to the premises of the company depending with the arrangements the employer may make with them.

Convenience is one of the most important things that people gain by using these services. These programs for carrying out tests for the usage of different drugs ensure that an employee does not have to leave the premises tested. They can be tested very quickly and go back to their work stations and continue with their jobs.

Employee productivity is not also hampered. These mobile clinics come to the premises of the employer on request. Employees therefore do not have to be on queues for the testing to be done. An employee can be on their work station working until they are called to undergo this test. This ensures that office hours are wasted doing non-productive activities.

When one may go for the traditional tests at the clinic, they have a lot of time to manipulate the test. A person can easily take some products that once this test is taken, the drugs will not be seen. Other people may buy body fluids from other people and use them for the test. When this test is carried out at the premises of the company, one does not have the time to do all these things.

Employers are assured of accuracy of the results when the test is done within the office premises. This is because any employee who may be taking drugs and does not want to be discovered does not have time to consult with the doctor or bribe them. Employers therefore prefer this kind of testing.

Every employer would want results for the test immediately. This is to enable them make decisions immediately. Tests carried out at the clinic may release the results to an employer after some time. This is unlike mobile drug testing where the results for the test are out immediately. An employer therefore does not have to wait for a long time before they can be able to access these important results. Due to the benefits of this program, many employers prefer to use it.

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