Your Best Health With Dr. Bob Marshall Healthline

By Alison Wilcox

If you are a frequent radio listener, you may have heard of Dr. Bob Marshall healthline, a daily program about healthy living. The host, Dr. Bob Marshall, is very educated on the benefits of natural treatment of disease and on the benefits of vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements. Regular listeners will learn about a vast array of health topics and will hear about solutions that will help live a long and healthy life through use of nutrition and healthy living.

Healthline has been on the air continuously since 1986. Since it started, it has grown and new episodes can now be heard six days a week throughout the country. Listeners will hear about many interesting topics, including immune system health, women's health topics like menopause and PMS, men's issues like prostate health, and topics that concern us all like fatigue and anxiety. Recent topics include acne, digestive support, and bioflavonoids. It's an interactive program - listeners are encouraged to call in and ask about their own concerns and issues.

Unfortunately, Dr. Marshall's interest in health began when he had been ill himself as a young man. His illness was a mystery to his doctors, and he was not able to be treated or diagnosed. He was given a prognosis of one year to live, and sent home to die. However, he did not accept this. He conducted research and found that the key to health lies in our nutrition being able to adequately nourish our entire bodies at a cellular level. Using his knowledge and discoveries, he was able to regain robust health and was inspired to help others do the same.

Dr. Marshall decided to continue his education in this field and earned degrees from Purdue and the University of Dayton. He's successfully run his private practice in southern California for thirty years, always earning the respect and gratitude of the patients he helps. He has served as the president of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists and is a member of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. He's also a very busy speaker and educator.

In order to make his products and treatments available to all, the busy doctor also oversees a state of the art laboratory. Here, he oversees production of his products to ensure they are being made with quality and purity in mind. He also works tirelessly to discover new and innovative treatments and products to respond to the needs of those he speaks to in practice.

Far from being simply a peddler of vitamins, the doctor is very interested in promoting a healthy lifestyle all around. He believes that many of our problems stem from impurities in our systems and imbalances in our bodies. He wants us all to live life to the fullest, as healthfully as we can. This is accomplished by holistic nutrition, keeping our bodies clean and balanced inside and out, and managing any conditions in a proactive manner. Dr. Marshall has developed a vast array of products, including nutritional supplements to skin creams, from mattresses to essential oils.

Dr. Marshall is a highly respected and sought after professional in the field of nutrition. His teaching seminars attract professionals from many fields and they are always in high demand, usually selling out rapidly. At these seminars, professionals can learn the latest in nutrition and health promoting methods. They can then return to their practices better able to promote the health of their own patients.

Because of the doctor's dedication to the field, you do not have to be a professional to benefit from his knowledge. Nor does one have to travel to California or join a wait list for his services. The Dr. Bob Marshall healthline program has made the doctor accessible to anyone at any time. The field of nutrition is lucky to have such a dedicated and sharing individual such as this hardworking doctor.

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