How To Lose Weight Without It Taking Over Your Life

By Howe Russ

If you are one of the many people wondering how to lose weight and keep it off you're in for a treat today as we share with you the top five proven rules to lasting fat loss. As a fitness instructor I am asked about this subject every day, so you are certainly not alone in your position.

How many times have you heard people saying they cannot get rid of their belly no matter how hard they work in the gym or what they eat? What if we told you that the five simple rules to lasting weight loss are nowhere near as complex as you may think and, better still, they are all completely free to do.

By the end of today's article you should feel a lot more confident and a lot more equipped in your battle against the bulge.

The immediate task at hand is to figure out how many calories you need to eat each day. We cannot get results until we do this and you cannot achieve success without taking the time to do it. A pre-made plan from a magazine isn't going to cut it and we'll show you why.

To find a good target calorie intake simply work out your desired body weight in lbs and multiply the figure by twelve. This gives you a 'ballpark' figure to aim for. Don't become a calorie counter, if you go over or under slightly it isn't going to matter.

Getting the optimal split between your protein, carbs and fats is the most important factor in a solid eating plan. The number of calories you eat per day takes a back seat to this factor. For example, a person eating 2500 calories per day from healthy sources is going to get better results than someone eating 2500 calories from unhealthy sources, right? Naturally! So the number of calories you eat is not the 'be all and end all' of everything.

A proven method for doing this is to get 40% of your calorie target from protein, 40% from carbs (yes, contrary to every celebrity diet you do still need carbs - that's why the crowd who follow those plans in gossip magazines never get any results) and 20% from fats (yes, you actually do need to eat fats). This is how to achieve the split:

For protein simply use your calculator to work out 40% of your daily calorie target and then divide the answer by four. That's how many grams of protein you need to eat per day.

For carbs do the exact same sum.

With your fat intake just figure out 20% of your total calorie target and divide the answer by nine. Now you know how many grams of fat are necessary each day as well.

If you can hit that daily target of macronutrients you will notice that you don't even need to count your calories. The only reason we must set the calorie target is so we can then work out our macronutrient split, that's all.

Now you have the facts for a better diet all laid out in front of you, you should be starting to feel different about your goal. All of a sudden it's not a dream anymore. If you stick to your targets you will achieve it and make it a reality, it's as simple as that!

So there you have it! It wasn't as hard as you were thinking, right? You've just set up your own optimal eating plan with a personal trainer and you did it in no time at all. The vast majority of people using your local gym don't do this and that's why they toil away endlessly without results. From now on you're in an excellent position and you can move forward from here with confidence!

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