Why You Should Attend A Zumba Dance Class

By Alison Wilcox

The late nineties saw the birth of Zumba; a fast paced, high intensity workout dance. The procedure originated from Columbia in South America and quickly spread to Miami and Los Angeles. The workout consists of a series of simple movements and steps played to the tune of fast salsa, reggae or meringue beats. In the recent past, the workout has spread to North America and Europe like wild bush fire. It has taken over gyms and auditoriums with participants trying hard to outdo each other. All in all, there are a lot of benefits from taking part in a zumba dance class.

Research has shown that tough cardiovascular exercises are good for the heart. The cardiovascular system benefits a lot from aerobic training. The heart, arteries and veins suffer from fat accumulation and clogging. In medical circles, this has been known to result in heart attacks and strokes. However, a regular thirty minutes dance procedure should comfortably eliminate the risk of heart attacks and strengthen muscles.

Thousands of participants from developed nations are usually in the search for an effective weight loss program. The sessions provide an effective method that is healthy and emphasizes the use of exercise to manage weight. Cardiovascular training is famed as being the best way to reduce weight. In a single session, participants lose a significant amount of calories. This is attributed to the nature of the workout which moves from high intensity then slows down to low intensity. In the end, participants lose weight without having to result to unorthodox techniques.

As individuals grow older, they tend to lose their sense of coordination. Movement and balance become difficult to harmonize. These are some of the problems that come about as a result of increase in age. However, effective exercise cans slow down the process of aging and deterioration of muscles.

During intense cardiovascular training, the body produces massive amounts of endorphins. These are the hormones responsible for the feel good moods in an individual. The presence of endorphins is positively related to happiness and light moods. Individuals who are plagued by stress, depression and constant low mood should enroll in an aerobics class.

As a result of the underlying principle of simplicity, this dance can be applied by individuals from all walks of life. There is little to consider regarding the weight, age and body shape of the participants. The standard routine fits the needs of all participants without discriminating. However, beginners and older citizens may be grouped separately to ensure that they grasp the steps and motions of the game.

The sessions are a perfect way to have fun and build a social network. Through the classes, individuals bond and make friends. It could also be a good place for old friends to maintain contact and have fun together. The nature of the workout makes it thoroughly interactive since there is personal contact between teams of participants.

Participating in a zumba dance class has turned into more of a philosophy, a religion and way of life to millions of individuals. Its rapid penetration and massive acceptance shows that the routine is largely accepted across cultures. It has offered millions of individuals to regain their lives through healthy living and exercise.

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