Wearing The Right Post Operative Garments

By Alison Wilcox

When a person is in the hospital, there are many different things that they can wear. This depends on whether a person is a patient or they are working in the hospital. There are certain post operative garments that people wear.

The hospital gown is used for many different reasons. Patients may not like it the best, but it serves many purposes. For patients, they may not think they get enough privacy with the ties in the back.

Medical staff need to gain access to the patient easily, but they will still respect their privacy. These patients have just had surgery, and they need to be monitored closely. This includes close inspection of surgical wounds which can be anywhere from the abdomen, back, leg, or neck. There could be tubes placed which need to inspected as well.

Another reason for these gowns is cleanliness. It is easier to clean a patient and put a gown on them afterwards than a set of pajamas like a shirt and pants. So, there are many reasons for post operative garments for patients.

Doctors and nurses have their own set of wear that they need to put on while at work. A majority of people wear something called scrubs. These are also worn post-operatively.

Scrubs come in a set made of cotton usually. They are quite comfortable since a nurse or doctor can wear them all day. They are easily changeable especially if a body fluid from a patient gets on them. These serve almost as a uniform that is worn often in the hospital for those who have contact with patients. They are also necessary when a patient is being operated on.

There are now new patient gowns that are coming out. These are updated so that they give the patient more privacy, and they do not need to worry about others seeing something private. These new gowns will open in the front, and they have more secure fastenings and not strings to tie. They are even made of a thicker material. It is much more convenient for patients during their stay.

Have surgery can lead to some unexpected events like excessive bleeding. Also, patients many times have tubings placed which can leak. This makes for a messy situation, and hospital gowns help because they can be easily changed and cleaned up. No one wants excessive blood on a pair of pajamas that they brought from home. This is why there are post operative garments. They allow the patient to be easily accessed to do physical exams and dressing changes. Doctors and nurses, too, need their own wear including scrubs. These are convenient to work in because they can have blood splatter on them, too. All of these garments are easily washed and they are not the most expensive items to purchase. So, this makes them ideal. Patients can look forward to a new model of gown which helps them feel more dignified during their hospital stay. They will be out of the hospital in no time recovering in their own clothes.

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