Liposome Increases The Absorption Of Medications And Nutrients

By Wanda Vaughn

Since the 1970s, liposomes have been used by medical professionals to deliver medication directly to the area or organ where it is needed. It was also discovered that liposomes provided a slow release effect, which lowered the adverse affects of some medications, especially cancer treatments. More recently, liposomes have been utilized in the cosmetic and nutrient supplement industries, since it was discovered that liposome technology greatly increases the absorption of nutrients.

A liposome is a very small pouch with walls made up of phospholipids and filled with fluid. The phospholipids in the walls mimic those found in all cell membranes. It has been found that these liposomes are able to deliver various substances straight into the blood stream and directly to the cells of the body in a more efficient manner than the body normally can.

The lipids that are used to create the liposome molecules are made of fatty substances such as is found in lecithin. These substances are what the cells use for repairing membranes and replacing cells. Cell walls are degraded by free radicals and toxins in the environment which affects the absorption of oxygen and nutrients. Liposomal delivery improves the very cells which are the basis of every part of the body.

Liposomes are now used in the treatment of several life-threatening health problems, with good effect. Included in this list are autism, congestive heart disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimers, Parkinsons and other age-related diseases.

Nutrients and the components of some medications are frequently improperly absorbed by the body but liposomes have been found to increase the amount these substances are absorbed. CoQ10 is a classic example; it absorption rate is generally around 3 to 5 percent but when it is delivered in a liposome system, it shoots up to more than 90 percent.

The term referring to how liposomes work in the body is called Liposomal Encapsulation Technology, shortened to LET, and is used to target certain areas of the body to receive the medication or nutrient. This is required because the digestive system attack and degrade oral supplements and drugs and this reduces their usable strength. Using LET, the dose can be reduced which is helpful with some of the more toxic drugs used to treat cancer.

Supplementing with vitamin C is a good example of how well LET works. This vitamin is acknowledged as a powerful anti-oxidant and has been shown to be an effective treatment in a range of health issues. Vitamin C cannot be made in the human body so it must be taken in with food or supplements. Unfortunately, oral supplements of vitamin C have a very low rate of absorption and assimilation. Prior to LET, intravenous injection was the only way to get the high dosage and better absorption of vitamin C that was required. LET delivers the vitamin straight to the cells where it is needed and there are no adverse side-effects.

The advantages of LET have led to the introduction of the technique by some nutritional companies for their oral nutritional and dietary supplements. Look for your favorite supplements in a liposome format and increase the effectiveness of your supplement regime. It is also possible to mix your own liposome formulas at home and this is particularly popular with people taking vitamin C.

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