Important Facts About Teeth Bleaching

By Alison Wilcox

Information about teeth bleaching is readily available almost anywhere in today's modern times. However, when it comes to products it may be a challenging task for some individuals to find the best formula. All manufacturers claim that their whitening gels and creams are the most effective, but savvy shoppers understand that there are often considerable differences among various products. It helps consumers to understand that no matter which Brand they purchase, the active ingredient is almost always hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide acts as a potent stain remover, but it does not harm the enamel on one's teeth. Standard concentration is between ten percent and thirty percent. This is because this range is considered safe for use by most dentists and cosmetic professionals. Stronger solutions can be purchased, but one must often get a prescription in order to obtain a higher concentration.

The effect of hydrogen peroxide begins when the solution starts to break down on the surface of the individual's teeth. It typically takes approximately 5 minutes for this to occur. After this, the solution must be left on the person's teeth for an additional fifteen minutes in order to change the surface to a lighter color. During this time it will attack the molecular structures at the core of the stains, and then remove them from the tooth's surface.

The solution is usually sold in gel form. Depending on the brand one purchases, a tray may be included in which the gel can be placed for the purpose of keeping it against the teeth while it goes to work. Although some whitening formulas can be used with a brush and painted on the tooth's surface, gels are favored by most consumers.

As previously mentioned, the concentration that can be purchased over-the-counter is usually no higher than thirty percent. However, if one is interested in using hydrogen peroxide with a stronger concentration, he or she can have such a formula applied by a cosmetic dentist.

Carbamide peroxide is sometimes an active ingredient in the aforementioned formulas as well. Although this product, when sold without a prescription, is not stronger than the blends referred to above, evidence suggests that it works faster than other types of peroxide. Results will vary from one individual to the next, however, and for this reason a person may have to try several strengths prior to finding the perfect cream or bleaching gel.

There are always a certain number of negative side effects associated with bleaching gels that contain peroxide, just as there are with any cosmetic procedure. For instance, most dentists caution against the overuse of such gels. This is because if they are used continuously are left on longer than is indicated by the label, such formulas can eventually destroy tooth enamel. This is because the properties they contain are highly acidic.

Additionally, overusing any product that contains peroxide may have the potential to contribute to mouth cancers. Burns on the gum line and tooth sensitivity are also undesirable side effects. However, these can be controlled by avoiding contact with the gums and by removing the solution after the appropriate amount of time has elapsed. As always, it is wise for one to speak to his or her dentist prior to using any teeth bleaching product.

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