Everyone Is Looking For Easy Slimming Success

By Alison Wilcox

Modern people are into fast and easy solutions to almost everything. They speed up their cars, their meals, their computers, and their communication. (Texting takes less time than a phone call, for example.) They also want fast and easy slimming success. Giving it to them has become big business.

Everyone knows one sure-fire way to get and stay slender: eat less while exercising more. Even in this simple program there is encouragement to speed up the process of losing weight and toning muscles. Walking is good, but power-walking is better. Wear a vest with weighted pouches, wear clothes that promote sweating, wear ankle and wrist weights - all techniques to get results in a hurry.

Anyway, many wonder - eat less of what? Eat complex carbohydrates, or cut carbs almost entirely out. Eat high protein or shun everything but brown rice. Eat all meat, or all fruit, or all vegetables, or all fish, or no fish. Eat lots of fat, or use only low or no fat products. Eat small meals often or stick to three meals a day. Eat breakfast, or never eat before noon or after eight PM.

It's kind of interesting to research all the advice on losing weight. You will find some common themes. Almost every plan advises drinking a lot of water and urges dieters to exercise. You should not believe all you read about diet pills and supplements - a lot of it is really advertising. Another good idea is to try things one at a time. If something is going to work, you won't need other substances that purport to do the same thing.

Sadly, it is a fact that we hate to diet, have a terrible time sticking to a food plan, let dust collect on treadmills and yoga mats, and just plain love to eat. We don't sleep well, stay up too late watching TV, rush off to work where we sit all day, and get home too tired to exercise or even choose dinner wisely. A magic pill that will melt away fat with no effort on our part sounds wonderful.

There actually are safe substances we can take in pill form that help burn fat, give us energy to exercise, speed up metabolism, and help us digest our food more efficiently. Choosing the right ones and taking them as directed really can help lose weight. This makes it harder to ignore spurious claims or decide which supplement or pharmaceutical product we might want to try. Scary reports of people who harm themselves with diet aids don't help, either.

Remember to use any supplement or drug as directed. The recommendations of the manufacturer or your health care provider should be taken seriously. It's not a good idea to take too many pills or powders at one time, since there may be harmful interactions. It's wise to drink lots of water, which helps pills dissolve and your body to process them, and exercising is good for you far beyond the toning of muscles and burning of calories.

It is too bad that we gain weight so easily, especially as we get older. However, slimming success is possible. Join a group or work with a friend so you can keep on a program that will make you look and feel like yourself again.

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