Treatment Options For Acupuncture Back Pain Tulsa OK

By Freida Michael

According to statistics, more than one million people in the world suffer from back pain. It is reported in emergency rooms and hospitals more than any other condition. When it becomes chronic, it is very hard to manage or treat it even using conventional methods. Acupuncture back pain Tulsa OK becomes the only hope for such patients to regain their lost quality of life.

How does acupuncture work? It is a system of traditional medicine with a background in China and other eastern cultures that have been practiced for thousands of years. It involves the use of needle among other practices such as cupping to provide relief. Although the treatment is traditional, it has been tested in many countries and has been incorporated into mainstream healthcare.

So how does it work? An acupuncturist inserts metallic needles through specific points known as acupuncture points. The needles vary in number from one to twenty and must be FDA approved. They may injected very close to the surface or inches deep into the body. After insertion, they are left to stand for about fifteen to thirty minutes. Additional processes such as cupping may be conducted to bring blood close to the surface and enhance the treatment.

When there are more than one techniques used, the probability of a positive outcome is better compared to using only one method. There are many theories that stipulate how acupuncture works. For some, it stimulates nerves that result in the release of neural or hormonal factors such as endorphins that alter how the brain perceives pain. Others say that reduces inflammation to aid in the release of vascular or immune-modulatory factors.

The changing chemical environment as a result of neurotransmitters, hormones and anti-inflammatory substances activate the bodys self-regulating mechanisms to promote healing. The benefits of using acupuncture include a reduction in the number of medications typically used to treat pain in the back. It is also cost-effective over the long run and improves outcomes when combine with conventional treatment options.

Governments and health safety organisations have taken measures to keep patients safe during such treatments. For instance, it is a requirement that the needles are single use, on one individual after which they should be disposed of like any other medical waste. Also, they should be sterile, opened from a sealed pack only during use. Although the procedure looks painful because it uses needles, many patients report it to be relaxing and feel only a tingling sensation.

As said before, its very effective, especially in combination with other techniques. It becomes even more reliable if combined with conventional treatment methods. It can be used on the children and the elderly alike. Most patients may require one or two sessions per week although others may take longer depending on the symptoms and the patient.

Once you set up an appointment with your acupuncturist, there are several measures to make before the big date. Firstly, do not have a large meal an hour before the procedure as it may interfere with the pulse. Also, do not have drinks that discolour the tongue such as coffee or alcohol. Appropriate dressing is necessary. Remember to wear loosely fitting clothes to ensure all necessary points are easily accessible.

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