Enhance Safety In Workplace With Mobile Drug Testing Companies In Brownwood TX

By Jaclyn Hurley

Employees in workplace are supposed to demonstrate a high level of discipline, competency, and responsibility. However, when you have workers using drugs, the workplace becomes chaotic. With help of mobile drug testing companies in Brownwood TX, businesses can test and screen their workers to determine if they are using drugs. Even one employee who is using drugs in workplace can cause devastating effects to both the employer and the colleagues.

When companies hire employees to offer services, they hope that the workers will remain responsible, committed, dedicated, and disciplined. Drugs affect both the employer and employees, and they should not be encouraged in workplace. Businesses have suffered a lot of losses because of the problems of drugs.

If you continue to allow employees to use drugs, you will suffer from economic losses, bad image and reputation, as well as reduced business growth. Using drugs reduces productivity among workers since they do not concentrate on their tasks. An assignment that could be accomplished within a short time may take hours to complete. This may result to delays in orders of customers thus creating a bad reputation.

In addition, drugs cause poor health, and workers who use them fall ill more often. They spend time in hospitals and result to increased sick leaves. The sick leaves can lead to reduced productivity since workers spend more time at home. Additionally, employees using these substances indulge in irresponsible behaviours. They can damage or mishandle equipments resulting to high cost of repairs and maintenance.

Businesses are subjected to increased premium rates because of the increasing claims. Accidents increase in environments where workers are using drugs. The use of alcohol and drugs leads to carelessness in operating machines, driving, or performing duties. This can lead to devastating effects on the business and the workforce. Those people working along with the drugs users are also subjected to risks of injuries.

If your business records increased cases of injuries, the OSHA officers visit the premises, and conduct an inspection. You are likely to be found with many flaws on the OSHA regulations some of which are not event related to use of the substances. Since when OSHA officers visit your business premise, they will look at all possible health and safety breaches, you may find yourself in more troubles.

The officers may visit your premises and perform an inspection that leaves you subjected to fines for failure to follow the set guidelines by OSHA laws. Drugs contribute to increased accidents and they can stretch the cost of medical care, insurance, repair, and maintenance. Employees working under the influence of drugs will likely not use their protective equipments, and they are also careless. They can cause injuries to other workers.

The workers may cheat on results by colluding with the technicians or by taking substances that suppress the drugs in body. Workers can buy drug-neutralizing substances that are sold in stores, and take them before they are tested. To prevent these mistakes from happening, you can call the mobile drugs testing technicians to come to your premises. When you send workers to be tested away from the premises, it costs you on transport. A lot of time is lost during the visits to the laboratory, and this is time that could be put into constructive use.

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