The Education Required For An MD Orthopedic Career

By Jeannie Chapman

Those who are interested in studying to be a professional in the medical field may consider something in the line of orthopedics. The section of an MD orthopedic hospital is where patients will go if they have minor or sever bone or muscular problems. They may have arthritis or a deformity, or they may have broken bones that need attention. There may also be surgical procedures involved.

Within this medical profession, you could decide to become a nurse, a technician, a surgeon or even a sales representative. Each of these positions will require some intensive studying, as there are various examinations that will need to be passed. You cannot practice orthopedics if you do not have the relevant qualifications. The individual studying should also be determined and focused in order to get through the work required.

If you become a technician, you will work closely with the surgeons of the hospital, providing assistance with the patients' casts, splints and braces. You will prepare and maintain these articles of equipment, and ensure that they are fitted and removed adequately. You will therefore also be in contact with patients and medical staff. Technicians are required in the orthopedics, casualty and plastic surgery sections of a hospital.

Colleges who train individuals to become technicians require a high school diploma or a GED qualification. They will also check to see if you have acquired adequate grades. It is beneficial if you have done science, maths, physics and similar subjects in high school. You will then take several courses, attend an internship program and be required to successfully pass the NBCOT exam before you can begin work.

If you are interested in becoming a nurse who works with orthopedic patients, you will first need to become an RN, or registered nurse. You will also need to work as an RN for a number of hours before you can work in orthopedics. RN's must pass the National Council Licensure Examination, or NCLEX, by working through a nursing degree program.

Surgeons will need to study hard for a number of years before they can practice, and will therefore need to be determined in order to complete their studies. If you have this sort of career in mind, make sure it is the right one for you before spending so much money and time on education. Go see a practicing surgeon to find out what the work entails. Once decided, find a good school, and remember to also consider schools of osteopathic medicine.

A sales representative in orthopedics will require a bachelor's degree for most positions advertised. The degree will need to be in line with business, marketing and perhaps even biology. Although the rep is not a doctor or nurse, a reasonable knowledge of orthopedics is required. The rep will take various items of equipment developed by a manufacturer to hospital administrators, doctors and nurses, and discuss their relevancy. Experience in sales, in particular in the medical field, will be advantageous.

Someone who works in an MD orthopedic department of a hospital, regardless of their position, needs to be a dedicated and professional worker. They should have good communication skills and a genuine love for people. A hardworking individual working in orthopedics will be rewarded with a high salary.

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