Parkour New York For Beginners

By Leanne Goff

Free running or parkour new york is one of the most exciting physical hobbies that one can be able to take up. One is probably familiar with this art as the art of running and doing stunts while quickly sprinting through sidewalks and streets. For those who are interested in this art, here are some ways to be able to get started.

Now take note that in order to do all of those stunts, it is a requirement that one would condition his body very well first so that he will be able to take the activity. He should do exercises like push ups, sit ups, pull ups, squats and definitely a lot of stretching exercises. He has to make sure that he is both strong and flexible in order to jump around and do tumbling.

Now when one starts out his training, probably the first thing that he will learn would be how to jump the correct way. Jumping is one of the most basic moves in parkour because it is also probably one of the moves that will be used almost all of the time. While one continues the training, he has to slowly increase the distance of his jumping so he will be able to handle harder stunts.

One of the most important set of techniques that one will have to learn would be none other than landing techniques. If one does not learn the proper way of landing after he lands from a high jump, then he will seriously hurt his legs. One of the techniques for landing would be to really bend the legs until one already does a squat.

After learning how to jump and land the right way, then the next thing on the list to learn would be how to roll. Now rolling can be used as a part of the arsenal or probably as a landing maneuver. Now the proper way to roll in parkour would be to do a shoulder roll which involves smashing the shoulder to the ground in order to force the body forward and do a roll.

Climbing is one of the essences of this art because in order to cover distance in the street, climbing over walls will be one of the things to do. Core muscles are the key to climbing efficiently. It is actually the core muscles that will be able to hold the body together and even force its way up when one is trying to climb up a wall.

Lastly, one will also be learning how to vault over tall objects like fences and such. However, if one is just starting, he will only start by jumping over really small objects before he goes to the big things. Eventually as time passes by, he will be learning more techniques.

So basically, those are some of the techniques that one will be learning if he decides to take up parkour new york. One must always remember to be very careful if he decides to push through with this art. If one is not careful, then he may actually get hurt in the process.

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