Would The Detox Diet Be A Good Fit?

By James Steele

Much has been written about the detox diet (detoxification) over the decades. It seems the past ten years, roughly, have seen an explosion of these diets. The basic principle is the same across all of them, and that is to use foods (or liquids) to help your body get rid of toxins. First, we must caution you and suggest you talk to your doctor before embarking on any kind of detox diet. Many people turn to this overall approach when they want to lose weight. While it is possible to achieve that, we feel the loss will be temporary for a variety of reasons. We will talk more about the detox diet in the rest of this article.

Your body is amazing. Without stopping, it continually throws off the toxic substances that your body is accumulating every minute of your life. Your digestive system, kidneys and liver are the main systems that work non-stop to keep the toxins from building up in your body. So it's easy to understand that any detox program will benefit these organs and their ability to do their work. A detoxification procedure has one goal. Clean the toxins out of your body so the liver, kidneys, and digestive system can more efficiently continue to do their job. These results from a detox plan encourage your body to perform better - it will heal faster and become more powerful.

When properly used, the detox diet can be very beneficial, but it can also be dangerous if you have particular medical conditions. Some examples include heart disease, diabetes, those with intestinal problems and other chronic problems. The main complaint most doctors have with the detox diet is it's a highly restrictive diet. Following a very restrictive diet is how the detox approach usually works. Medical doctors also issue warnings of possible negative side effects for teenagers and younger children.

The liver is one of the primary organs involved with detoxification. It is important to keep the liver functioning at high levels, and this can happen with herbal liver cleanses. Chlorella, Burdock root, Milk Thistle and quite a few others are known to have this effect. You cannot live without your liver, so it is important to keep it healthy, because it has many functions, some that are needed for detoxing the body. Many organs in the body are involved in keeping it detoxed, and one that isn't always thought about is the skin. That is why simply brushing your skin each day or several times a week will help. Dry brushing helps remove dead skin cells, thus keeping the skin pores open and stimulating blood flow.

The conditions for which the detox diet may be helpful are often associated with the effects of living in a highly industrialized society. But it's more the lifestyles that are prevalent within that particular type of society. Yes, your eating behaviors, amounts of exercise and levels of stress all come into play and exert a tremendous influence.

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