Some Facts About Clodronate Liposome Medicine

By Teri Farley

Clodronate liposome can be defined as an encapsulated drug. A manufactured lipid capable of encapsulating other hydrophilic substances achieves this. This manufactured lipid is known as liposome and is used with many drugs due to its ability to carry the substance to the target organ. Liposome is used to get the highest depletion of macrophage one the targeted organ is reached.

Like a Trojan horse, liposome carriers clodronate to the target cell where it is ingested by the macrophages. This then releases the drug into the cell and the inhibition of the macrophages activities is achieved by bisphosphonates (the active components in it). Though the idea looks simple, researchers are upbeat that this will be the best cure for most stubborn immune diseases.

Liposome Clodronate is therefore one of those drugs under test for treatment of various terminal illnesses. Diseases such as osteoporosis, autoimmune hemolytic anemia and cancer are just a few examples. This drug can also handle metastatic carcinoma of the breast and other hard to handle conditions such as the multiple myeloma. The wide use is particularly related to its ability to inhibit the activities of macrophages even in gene therapy, neurological disorders or even transplantation therapy.

Since other bisphosphonates are in the market, it is easy to predict the side effects that may be associated with the drug once it is released. There is no need to worry though as these effects are classified as mild. For example, a few patients do report stomach pains, nausea and vomiting. In some rare scenarios, bisphosphonates may have some serious reactions.

Apart from loss of appetite, the other complications include heavy breathing, hives and skin rashes. Though some of these may not need one to see a doctor, the cases of difficulty in breathing certainly does require the attention of one. You should therefore not hesitate to report to your physician for help if the side effects take longer than normal.

Clodronate products may also lead to swelling, mouth pain and malaise. As mentioned before, you need the attention of a physician. Since the drug is not in the market currently, you do not need to judge it by these pre-release precautionary measures. It is possible that the drug will turn out just fine.

As with all bisphosphonates and prescription medicine, you are not supposed to use them in some situations. For example, individuals with known allergies to Clodronate or bisphosphonates are advised to avoid the drug. In the same line, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers should not use the drug. In addition, kidney patients and those using bisphosphonate derivates should also avoid the drugs. Lastly, individuals having gastrointestinal inflammations are not allowed to use the the drug.

The use of clodronate liposome, like any other prescription medicine, should be a strict procedure. You are therefore not allowed to share it with other patients even if you suffer from the same disease. Additionally, you are not to borrow such drugs unless a qualified doctor prescribes them. Finally and yet importantly, you have to take the full dose without skipping if significant progress or complete healing is to be realized.

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