Reports On The Court Genetic Exams

By Lora Jones

Many employers expect an employee and sometimes an applicant to give their medical information. Currently, some are trying to insist on getting clear result involving test on genome. This may act as a base for discrimination of some of the employees. However, a research on court genetic exams shows the intervention made by the equal employment opportunity commission to protect employee rights is doing something on it.

Any employee who may be having any disorder or defect has a right to work as long as one is in the position to do the work. Future defects which one is not sure of should not be a guaranty for elimination from a job. The equal employment opportunity commission is now working hard to ensure that it prohibits the discrimination against qualified individual with disability or who have a likelihood of developing disabilities.

This gene examination can also be of great importance in courts of law where a criminal suspect needs to be proven otherwise or guilty. There might also be a case of parents who tend to claim that a child is theirs. In these cases, the system of justice puts several factors into consideration by using scientific procedures to prove. A paternity investigation may be carried out on both the child and the parent. In case if it tests positive, then the owner is determined easily.

These exams may not always give accurate results. These are tests that are complicated and require experts to be able to interpret the results. The results may be misinterpreted as well. This is because, to be able to interpret one requires the historical background, history, family and the final output.

A study on court genetic exams further reveals that in case of positive results, it may be difficult to interpret the outcome. This is because; the fact that the disordered genes are present does not give a guarantee that they will manifest themselves. This may lead to unnecessary precautions being taken for no good reason.

Another advantage of DNA examination is that it allows for symptomatic investigation. This investigation is able to predict disorder in adults. As a result, one is able to be cautious in life so as to avoid being exposed to things that might trigger the ailment. In addition, one is also given a chance to prepare for treatment when required.

Some organizations are adapting this testing technique as an official method of checking quality of their employees or applicants. This is nothing but discrimination act that can be due to fallen alarm. As the technology develops, even more of these services end up being cheaper and many more employers end up adapting this bad procedure.

In nutshell, all the results that are obtained by these examinations are not necessarily correct. Therefore, precautions must be taken to avoid compromise when need arises. Gene investigation should not be used as a tool for discrimination but as an essential element in bringing up transparency. Therefore, all patients are supposed to be informed on court genetic exams with clear guidelines.

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