Home Care Patients Use Disposable Surgical Supplies

By Rena Hudson

When people hear about disposable surgical supplies they usually think about a surgery but that is not always the case. Surgical supplies cover a wide variety of tools and items that can be used for various things. These are especially valuable for home care patients or people who are home bound because of their sickness.

There are people who stay in hospital beds all day long and need to have various bandages changed or other things done by a home nurse. When this is the case disposable surgical supplies come in handy. It would be very difficult if these items were having to be cleaned and sanitized after use because typically people do not carry such items in their home.

When shortcuts are taken that is when people end up skipping steps and these skipped steps could be very deadly to people. These infections are never something that you want to catch, they are not anything like getting an infection on a cut. These are staph infections and they require the strongest antibiotics and need to be caught very early otherwise it could mean death.

When these did occur they meant very big malpractice lawsuits for doctors and hospitals. They would surely share the liability for such problems. These cases ended up with millions of dollars in litigation and judges and jury's had no problem awarding these to the plaintiff when someone ended up dead. You cannot repay a loss of human life.

This is especially true when people were found to be negligent in their duties. After the hospitals had enough they discovered that it would obviously be much cheaper to pay the cost of using disposable surgical supplies other than paying out in lawsuits. Not to mention the fact that it also saved them money in other ways too.

The smaller offices did the same. They, unlike the larger hospitals, could not afford malpractice lawsuits. One such case could put the office out of business. These often resulted because someone ended up dying due to an infection. These infections happened very quickly after a surgery and while most could be treated but they would take lots of powerful antibiotics.

Hospitals all over the country eventually caught on and started to do the same thing. Pretty soon it became an industry standard and then it spread to all the other medical professionals. Doctors offices all over also started using these because it meant all the same things for them as well. They could not absorb the financial losses that a hospital could either.

These things would make the jobs of these nurses and doctors too difficult. Disposable surgical supplies have not only saved a lot of money for doctors and hospitals but have possibly also saved lives. Without the threat of infection people are coming out of their procedures much healthier. Staph infections are not eliminated but have not occurred as often as they have in the past. People are no longer so scared to go into a major surgery because they are now safer.

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