Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy In Boca Raton FL

By Lila Bryant

There is a lot of excitement being generated regarding a new type of hormone replacement treatment available to both men and women. This all natural treatment has been promoted by quite a few television celebrities as an answer to all of the problems created by menopause. There are several doctors and clinics where you can obtain bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in Boca Raton, FL.

The new treatment available uses natural ingredients that have been processed to produce the same hormonal types and levels that women had in their prime. There are no chemicals used to create this condition and the side effects caused by previous medications are not present. The treatments of the past were said to treat more than the symptoms of menopause by helping to prevent heart attacks and preventing ovarian cancers. These claims were proven untrue during a federal study that was aborted three years early because of the results collected.

Made from soy beans and wild yams this treatment claims to individually balance the hormones of each patient. An assessment and tests are performed and the proper dosage is prescribed for each client. Your doctor may give you a choice of how it is administered to your body allowing you to choose between injections, pills, creams or suppositories.

The doctors who offer these treatments range from holistic to ob-gyn specialists. The advertisements for this treatment that can be found online list all of the benefits that can be expected from its use. The most common complaints are hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings but there are many more issues that women face during menopause. All symptoms are said to be helped with this treatment.

With the prospect of receiving hormones that mimic those made by the human body many people are looking forward to renewed comfort and total relief from the fuzzy thinking and difficulty making decisions that accompany hormonal loss in middle age. Thyroidal hormonal loss is one of many different changes that manifest in menopause. It can cause hair loss, hearing loss and serious skin ailments to appear.

Your doctor will give you a complete examination and do a saliva analysis to determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment. There will also be a questionnaire to fill out regarding when you entered menopause and your current age and health conditions. All of this information will be used to determine the level of dosage needed to return you to normal hormonal levels.

Men also suffer from similar symptoms when they reach middle age. The process takes a longer period of time to manifest itself and so is not as noticeable or pronounced as it is with women but the effects of it can be seen in energy levels, weight gain and moodiness. These symptoms can also be treated with testosterone and hormonal treatments.

The options available for patients to use in natural hormonal treatment are many. As the system becomes more available to the public more people can expect to return to a better way of life without the symptoms of menopause or the dangers of chemical replacements of the past. It may be the best part of both worlds for many.

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