Which Vapor Electronic Cigarettes For Sale Should You Choose

By Elsa Noel

Electronic cigarettes, sometimes dubbed as Ecigarette is the new fad for smokers. There are people who stopped using traditional and went for Ecigs but there are others who feel that change is unnecessary and stick with the traditional one. There may be differences between the two but it still has the same effect on the user.

Since its discovery up to know there are already many versions of Ecigarettes in the market. Most often than not it is very confusing for a person who wants to try it choose which is which. There are a variety of vapor electronic cigarettes for sale nowadays. Giving you the possible options you can choose from might help you in deciding which you want to use.

Fortunately, the different types also have different sizes and shapes. They also differ in appearance most of the time. If you have the proper description, you can immediately tell which Ecigarette is part of which category. With the right information at hand and basing on your experience and what you want, choosing which kind you want to try would be easier for you.

As mentioned, they differ in appearance. But if the look of the Ecigarette is not that reliable, you can always turn to the shape or the size. The different categories have its respective sizes that are a sure fire giveaway on what type it belongs. There are designs that will be the same despite the difference in size. Do not be confused, these are the times when it is made by the same company. The Ecigarettes fall in to any of the three major types below.

The Mini type is the most common of all the three. You can directly tell that it is a mini because it looks like the traditional cigarettes. When a person wants to have a smooth transition to vape smoking, Mini is the way to go. At some point, all vape smokers have tried using these kind of Ecigar for a certain period of time.

It is the cheapest among the three and you have the power to choose between the rechargeable and the disposable ones. If you want to discreetly satisfy your nicotine urge, this is the perfect Ecig for you. Light smokers and moderate smokers often choose Minis over any other kind.

If you are looking to double your intake of vapor you should go for Mid sizes Ecigarettes. They have higher vapor production performance compared to Minis. Heavy smokers would definitely enjoy this variety.

About the size of a traditional cigar, the mid size types will need to be operated manually. And unlike Minis that can be operated either manually or automatically, you will need to press a tiny button to turn on the device. But it can up the performance of a Mini twice. Most people find this kind more satisfying than others because of its balanced performance.

You saw in the internet that people can do tricks with vapor, that is because they are using the Advance Personal Vaporizer. Usually called the AVP, this Ecigarette is more complex than its counterparts. But it is more preferred as well because it gives the user the ability to control the functions that the device has. And if the life span of the battery lessens, you can have the option to replace it. Most light smokers are not really a fan of the complexity of this device.

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