Increase Breast Size With Food Not Surgery

By Raquel Fantas

Are you a mother that struggled with your breasts sagging after pregnancy? Are you looking to naturally increase your breasts without surgery? Are you looking to even out uneven breasts or make your small breasts look fuller and healthier? No matter what your reason is for wanting larger breasts, Brestrogen cream may be the solution to your answers.

If you don't feel like spending a ton of money, it's a much better to try a natural alternative such as exercising and breast boosting through eating healthy foods. Well chosen foods and exercises not only make your breasts look naturally fuller. They also keep you away from the dangers and side effects of other methods. Most effective natural breast enlargement programs use three techniques: Foods and herbs, massage, and exercises.

Why would I want to consider natural breast enlargement? There are a lot of reasons that you may want to consider natural breast enlargement. Here are some of the reasons that you may see when people are considering breast enlargement. You have sagging breasts due to rapid weight loss. Pregnancy and breast feeding have caused your chest to look a bit deflated. Your breasts are losing their elasticity due to dry skin and aging. If you want to achieve natural, perkier breasts without surgery. If you are having problems with your self confidence due to your breast size. If you are looking for an alternative to breast surgery that costs less, is natural, and is safe. These are definitely not the only reasons that people have for using natural breast enlargement, but they are some of the most common ones. Overall, Brestrogen can offer these and improve the overall look and feel of your breasts in a few months.

Estrogen-rich Foods Hormonal imbalance is one of the reasons why women have small breasts. If the female body produces too much of the male hormone, testosterone, it hinders the growth of breasts. So keep your testosterone production within the normal level by reducing your carb intake and getting more of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Meanwhile, the female hormone, estrogen, causes breast enlargement and is responsible for the distinguishing appearance of a mature female breast. That's why flat-chested girls in China are served with chicken soup with chicken head, which is believed to contain a high percentage of estrogen. A herb known for its breast enlarging properties is fenugreek. Fenugreek has properties similar to the female hormone estrogen and fenugreek sprouts is the main ingredient in the famous bustea. Foods High in Estrogen Are:

In addition, you need health fats in your diet. These healthy fats are known as mono-saturated fats. Examples of these fats include; oils found in seeds such as linseed, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds. Other sources of fats include; olive and olive oil, avocado and avocado oil, oats and raw nuts.

Fruits and Vegetables As mentioned earlier, fruits and vegetables regulate the testosterone level in your body. It also contributes to your overall health. Just like whole grains such as oats, wheat and barley, they can also help in increasing your breast size because they contain a high percentage of fiber. Red cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and broccoli can prevent cancer cells from developing. In addition, fruits such as blueberries and strawberries contain anthocyanins that protect your cells from free-radical damage.

Herbs The mastogenic effect of herbs has long been known and used in various cultures throughout the world dating back to the harem girls in the Middle East. For centuries, folk medicine has recognized the effects of herbs on female breasts. Fenugreek contains compounds that increase healthy breast tissue. Saw palmetto contains phyto-nutrients in addition to supporting healthy appetites and smooth digestion of food. Wild yam is a widely used breast enlarger and sexual stimulant. Fennel is used to increase breast size and promote milk production in new mothers.

You should also eat foods rich in proteins in order to promote breast growth. This includes; fish, meat, and eggs. In addition, your diet should have dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream.

Soy is also very important for increasing breast size naturally.. However, it is important to note that, you cannot introduce all these foods into your system at once. You need to make the change gradually, in order to see how your system adjusts and also to keep track of changes in your breast size. Gradual introduction of foods will also help you know which foods you could be allergic to. However if you are seriously interested in increasing breast size naturally, Brestrogen is the preferred route.

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