The Struggles After An Orthopedic Surgery

By Kelly Wood

There seems to be a higher incidents with cases related to medical diagnoses that involve the bone, muscle or joint. In fact, MD orthopedic surgeries are very common in an operation room setting both for emergency and planned operations. More over, patients who are treated in a non operative manner is referred to a conservative treatment in the orthopedics department.

Athletes are known to be the most affected group since they engage in physical activities that can result to fractures, sprains and muscle strain. Even the older group rank also in a higher spot since they are more vulnerable to any falls and injuries. Moreover, elementary and toddler kids can also encounter such incidents knowing that they are also active.

Regardless if one may need to be treated for an operation or simply in an out patient basis, every experience can be traumatic for each person. However, they might be instances that it may not be that traumatic depending on the case. Each patient is unique and therefore, health care providers should provide an individualize treatment plan that would meet his priority needs.

Most people who have done the operation really express that their real struggle is actually after it has been done. Post surgery is really an exhausting time for them as their body is still trying to adapt on a new state. It is even tougher that they can move independently and that they need help from other people.

The most important thing to consider is the fact patients will really have a difficult time at this point. For doctors and nurses, they must be able to address their needs accordingly by making sure that they provide a holistic care. In addition, understanding the medical diagnosis and assessing psychological being can help in providing better care.

The post operation status is a priority for the ward setting and therefore, careful monitoring is always observed. In fact, one duty of nurses is to follow standard protocols for patients post surgery as possible complications may occur. Such complications can be visible through any symptoms that the patient may be manifesting.

The most complications reported are signs of infection and wound rupture of the suture at the site of incision. Bacterial infections are caused by improper application and not regularly changing the dressing. Wound rupture may happen if the patient does not splint the chest during coughing that opens the suture lining and leads to bleeding.

With the current condition, these patients may be dependent of care to their primary care givers for a longer period. As they are hospitalized with a minimum of three to seven days depending on the severity of their status, it can be really hard to do any activity. Especially with the occurrence of pain, this makes it even harder for both the patient and the care giver.

Knowing more of the MD orthopedic surgery effects can be a good way to care properly for these patients. In fact, teaching the patient and the family about the entire process can also help them better understand how to address the needs of the patient. With the combined force of the support systems from family and that of the health care team can make the recovery sooner.

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