Simple Ways To Reverse Insulin Resistance

By Audrey McGuire

It is important to reverse insulin resistance because otherwise this condition will cause prediabetes, then type 2 diabetes, a serious life-long condition. Everyone's body produces this hormone, which works to make glucose in the blood enter the muscle, fat and liver cells. However, if these cells do not respond correctly to the hormone released, the pancreas have to make more and more. Eventually, they are no longer able to make enough, leading to too much glucose in the blood.

Anybody who is worried about this condition should see their doctor for professional advice. Some people are more likely to suffer from this problem than others, as there are a variety of contributory factors, some of which, such as ethnicity and old age, it is not possible to prevent. Certain hormones, medication, sleep problems can also lead to this condition, as can steroid use, smoking, obesity and lack of exercise. However, there are ways to correct the problem.

One change people can make, to improve the problem, is taking more exercise. It is only sensible to seek the approval of a doctor before beginning any keep-fit plan. Some people will be fit enough already to take up hobbies such as weight-lifting which will help build muscle. This is important because glucose moves from the blood into the muscle and the more muscle there is, and the more muscles are exercised, the more efficient this process is. Aerobic exercise, which uses the heart and lungs, also is of great benefit. People unused to strenuous activities can start with simple steps, such as aiming for taking a walk five times a week, which will help increase their fitness.

Obesity is a risk factor for developing diabetes, so obviously losing weight is a sensible idea. Exercise will help with this, as will going on a diet. Again, a doctor can be consulted for help with this. Fat around the waist is a particular problem because these cells produce hormones and other substances which can cause problems, so this is an important area to focus on.

People who smoke should plan to stop because smoking is another thing that can cause this condition, as well as other serious diseases. There are a wide variety of products and medications available to help quit. If someone is struggling to give up it is worthwhile visiting a health-care professional for help and advice.

It is debatable whether vitamin D levels are linked to this condition, but a deficiency is a possible cause. People with dark skin who live in areas where there is little sun would be wise to consult their doctor about taking vitamin tablets. A general multi-vitamin is useful for most people.

Diet is very important and not just for losing weight. If a diet is made up largely of processed high carbohydrate foods, these will cause the consumer's blood sugar to spike when they are eaten, making it harder for the body to keep it at the correct level. So it's far healthier to eat home-cooked and low carbohydrate meals. These should also be low fat, because high cholesterol levels is another risk factor.

There are plenty of ways to reverse insulin resistance. These all involve taking care to live a healthy life, which has the benefit of making people feel better as well as avoiding becoming diabetic. Healthy diets and exercise can also help prevent a wide variety of other health conditions.

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